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Divorcees with a Story!

If you're looking for the opportunity to contribute a chapter, tell your story, and grow together... you're in the right place!

Our Multi-Author Book Program is a streamlined process that shows you how to craft an excellent chapter and leverage your book to unlock all the perks of being a published author— perfect for busy entrepreneurs and professionals looking to:


  • Increase visibility & credibility

  • Establish themselves as industry experts

  • Network with other successful individuals

  • Share your unique experience or join one of our memoir titles and share a personal story!


Simply sign up, show up, and write one phenomenal chapter.


Don't miss this opportunity to grow your influence and share your expertise with the world!

(watch this space for cover art)

Coaching Begins: March 22, 2025

Smithereens: The Surprising Silver Linings of Life After Divorce

Smithereens: The Surprising Silver Linings of Life After Divorce redefines divorce, not as a loss, but as a powerful opportunity for reinvention. This book celebrates the personal growth and unexpected joys that can emerge from the end of a marriage.

Maybe this ending became a new beginning for you, helping you become wiser, stronger, and even happier. Perhaps you rediscovered your self-worth, gained the freedom to prioritize yourself, found clarity, embraced independence, rekindled dreams, or even found love again.

We’re inviting bold, insightful women to share their journeys of resilience, courage, and renewal. By contributing your story, you’ll not only celebrate your own progress but also inspire others navigating similar paths.


Your experience could be the beacon of hope someone needs to find strength and joy after divorce.

This collection will unite a community of empowered women who have turned personal challenges into remarkable achievements, showing that life after divorce can be a period of profound growth and unexpected fulfillment.

Help us turn life after divorce into a powerful journey of discovery and delight!


Share your story today and join us in celebrating new beginnings and the incredible evolutions that follow. 

I mean the Sulit Press team is absolutely TOP NOTCH. Michelle and her team are so supportive, sophisticated and just enough sass to making the project fun, while also holding us accountable for our contribution to ensure a best-selling book result.



How does a multi-author book work?

When you join our Multi-Author Book Program, you’ll meet a group of strangers who are about to share in a life-changing experience and become published authors in just 12 weeks*. Plus, you'll receive:


  • Eight weeks of hi-end group coaching

  • Book marketing success series

  • Complete media kit & graphics

  • Multi-channel book distribution


  • Professional editing

  • Complete book design

  • Community network

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The bonus of being published in ninety days (instead of years!)

Coaching on how to leverage your book to reach your personal goals

The satisfaction of knowing that 100% of the royalties will be donated to a non-profit connected with your book.

I was shocked by how comfortable the process was and how cathartic. I loved developing relationships with the other authors as well.



Is a multi-author book right for me?

Whether you're a seasoned professional or a budding writer, if you want to showcase your expertise and amplify your voice, don't miss this opportunity to sharpen your storytelling skills alongside a dynamic cohort of authors with our Multi-Author Book Program today!

If you're ready for your next personal growth project, and want to accelerate your results, this program could be right for you.


You'll join a diverse community of authors hailing from various industries and backgrounds, including legislators, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and CEOs. Here, you'll connect with motivated individuals eager to hone their writing skills and share their unique perspectives with the world.


If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming a published author, there is no faster way that can guarantee you’ll be holding a high quality book with your name on the cover in 90 days.

Who will I be working with?


Meet Michelle Savage, writer, mother, archer, and the visionary founder behind Sulit Press and your go-to writing coach for the first 8 weeks of the Multi-Author Book Program. With a passion for guiding writers to craft captivating narratives, Michelle is all about igniting creativity and empowering voices to shine.


At Sulit, we gather ambitious and talented individuals from diverse backgrounds, and our book projects are the perfect platform to showcase your unique story. In fact, last year alone, Sulit scored three best-selling titles, and we've already kicked off 2024 with two more bestsellers under our belt.


Ready to join our community of bestselling authors and make your mark on the literary world? Don't miss your chance to be part of our next big title—let's write your success story together!


Make becoming an author your next big move.

To reserve your spot in Smithereens, simply fill out the form below, choose your payment type, and you're in!

The Multi-Author Book Program fee is $7500

Sign up before December 31st, 2024 and save $1000


Coaching Begins: March 22, 2025

Woman at a Desk
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Multi-Author Book Enrollment

Fill out the form below,  click go to checkout, and choose how you will pay your program fee. That's it!

 You'll receive emails with everything you need to know about preparing for the program!


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